User's Guide

Table Of Contents
You can add floors by selecting the building and then increasing the floor number using the Floors field.
Notice in the previous screenshot there are two floors (AirDefense 1 and AirDefense 2) under
the area (The Falls 1125). Floor numbers are displayed inside the Floor icon.
You can delete a floor by decreasing the floor number. The last floor is always deleted first.
Importing Your Network Tree
You can import a tree structure using the Import button. Comma delimited files are used to import a
tree structure. The format of the file is:
record type (folder),server,Name,Description,Type,Floor
Number,Path(slash delimited)
There are dierent ways to create a comma delimited file but the most trouble-free way is to use a text
editor, such as Notepad. Fields may be blank with no blank space between the commas (i.e., ,,).
folder,localhost,AirDefense 1,,Floor,1,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park/The Falls
folder,localhost,AirDefense 2,,Floor,2,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Sanctuary Park/The Falls
At this time, you can only import a tree structure to your local appliance. You do so by
specifying localhost as your server.
You can edit existing tree structures using the Import Tree Structure button. Importing a new CSV files
does not replace an existing tree structure; instead, you can use the commands add or delete at the end
of an import line to incrementally add or remove scope levels from the existing tree structure.
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Legacy Content
1046 Extreme AirDefense User Guide for version 10.5.