User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Regulatory rules and codes for wiring, construction, materials, etc., where applicable.
Access to all areas to be monitored is required during the survey.
Follow these steps to plan your sensor placement:
1. Obtain Maps/Layouts of the facility and determine the traversal plan.
2. Start AirDefense Mobile.
3. Turn on the target device ( could be a laptop/PDA with wireless client card). AirDefense Mobile
should detect the target device.
4. Identify the target device in the AirDefense Mobile device tree.and use your mouse to right-click on
it to display a list of options.
5. Use AirDefense Mobile Options to Lock On the channel on which the target device is discovered.
6. Right-click select the device in the Dashboard tree; select LiveView.
7. Focus on Signal Strength in the Decode tab in LiveView. Verify that the target device is being
tracked by AirDefense Mobile.
8. When a wireless client (station) card is being used as a target, significant peaks and valleys are
observable in signal strength as the card rotates through channels probing for any intrusion. The
peaks are indicative of the eective signal strength relative to AirDefense Mobile.
9. Move the target device to the anticipated fringe where a neighboring sensor would become primary.
10. At the fringe of coverage, signal strength should be no less than -70 dBm to assure termination
11. Move AirDefense Mobile to the anticipated location of the next sensor and use the same procedure
to ensure that its anticipated coverage area is valid.
If the above sensor placement proves adequate from a coverage and cost of placement perspective,
factors observed during this analysis may be extrapolated to other locations of similar construction.
Sensor Placement with WEP Cloaking
WEP Cloaking will typically require a higher density of sensor deployment than most other applications.
This puts WEP cloaking in the highest category sensor density deployments similar to Location
Considerations for Sensor Placement with WEP Cloaking
For eective WEP Cloaking, there are two important considerations:
Spatial coverage - The sensors enabled with WEP Cloaking must at a minimum cover the same area
as the s and wireless clients they are protecting.
For this requirement, you should leverage any site surveys you conduct or have conducted for
placement of s as aids to sensor placement decisions. Another option is using a WLAN simulation
tools such as LAN Planner.
For example, in a typical retail location most wireless point-of-sale devices will be in the front of the
store near the check-out stations. Assuming the hacker would be outside of the building, sitting in
the front parking lot, it would make sense to place at least 2 sensors in each of the corners in the
front of the store. If there is public access from the back of the building or the retail location is
Extreme AirDefense User Guide for version 10.5. 849