Installation Guide

Section 3 Operation
STEP 3. Insert the male plug of the power cord into the correct NEMA 120/240 volt outlet on the generator.
STEP 4. Plug in the female end of the power cord into the side receptacle on the EZ-Connect transfer switch.
STEP 5. Turn off the idle setting (if present) on your generator. This will ensure that your generator will operate
at the correct speed and voltage.
STEP 6. Start the generator, following the procedures described in the generator owner’s manual furnished by
the manufacturer.
STEP 7. Move the handle of the EZ-Connect to the GENERATOR position.
STEP 8. Select the appliances that require emergency power. Note the capacity of your generator, the start-up
watts and running watts to know what you are able to run off your portable generator.
Locate the circuit breakers in your home’s breaker panel (See Diagram 3.2) for the appliances you can support
and turn them on one at a time. Start with large motor loads first, such as
refrigerators. Motors require 2 to 3 times more power to start than other electrical
appliances. Allow generator operation to stabilize before starting the next load. Next,
start smaller motors such as a ceiling or ventilation fan. Then start smaller appliances
with no motors such as lights.
STEP 9. When it is time to refuel your generator, turn off all of your home’s circuit
breakers before turning off the generator, and refuel according to your generator owner’s manual. Then begin
with Step 1 of the start-up procedures to reconnect loads/appliances.
STEP 10. If the generator’s circuit breaker trips off during operation or setup, turn off all
circuit breakers in the breaker panel, reset the circuit breaker on the generator, and restart the generator if
necessary. Select and reconnect loads following the procedures summarized in step 8.
Transferring From Generator Power to Utility Power
STEP 1. Shut down the generator, following the procedures in the generator owner’s manual.
STEP 2. Now unplug the generator from the EZ-Connect transfer switch and store the cord in a dry place.
STEP 3. Move the handle of the EZ-Connect to the UTILITY position.
STEP 4. On your breaker panel, set all circuit breakers to the ‘ON’ position.
Diagram 3.2
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