Installation instructions

Cooked food
The length of time you can store cooked dishes reduces if you use bacon or smoked ham to season dishes.
Put them directly on the hob or in the oven without defrosting them.
We recommend that you blanch the vegetables with steam so that they do not lose their vitamins and
mineral salts in the cooking water. You therefore do not need to wait until they are dry before freezing
them, just until they cool down.
In general, vegetables are better if they are cooked directly, without being frozen. Reduce the cooking
time, taking into account the blanching time before freezing.
Food freezing guide
Product Valid for Preparatory
Sauce with meat juices
3 months
Tomato sauce just-cooked
Minestrone with vegetables 2 months no pasta
Lasagne 4 months half-cooked
Roasts 2 months just-cooked
Calf’s leg 1 months
Meat in sauce 3 months
Stewed game 2 months just-cooked
Boiled fish,grilled/baked fish
2 months half-cooked
Sweet peppers,aubergines,courgettes stuffed with meat
Sautéed mushrooms with garlic and parsley,ratatouille
Steamed spinach
Pizza 6 months just-cooked
Product Valid for Preparation Blanching time
Asparagus 12months Wash and remove the strings 2 minutes
Cabbage,cauliflower 6 months Clean an cut into pieces 2 minutes (1)
Remove the external leaves 6 minutes (1)
Beans Shell 3 minutes
Green beans Wash and remove the ends 4 minutes
Mushrooms Clean 2 minutes (1)
Aubergines Wash and slice 4 minutes (2)
Sweet peppers (3) Wash slice and remove the seeds
do not blanchPeas,Tomatoes (3)
Shell and freeze immediately, laying them in
a single layer and then wrapping them
Parsley,basil 8 months
2 minutes
Mixed vegetables for
minestrone (céleri, carrots,
chard,leeks, etc.)
Wash, cut into pieces and divide up into
portions. Do not add potatoes terre: they go
do not blanch
(1) Add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the cooking water (slightly acid water).
(2) Pickle in brine before cooking.
(3) During defrosting, these vegetables reduce to a mush because they contain enormous amounts of water.
We recommend that you defrost them only if you wish to eat them coked.