Installation Guide (877) 353-8899
your rst bracket. Make sure that when you fasten the bracket
that you check for level in all directions. The bracket should be
level across the top ange as well as down the top ange. This
will give the best possible support result to your countertop.
Once your rst bracket is in place, add the additional brackets.
Make sure that you check the additional brackets the same way
you checked the rst. Also, use a level to test each successive
bracket installed to make sure that the whole installation is level.
Place the level from bracket top ange to bracket top ange, this
will help you read this aspect to the installation.
Once all the brackets are in place, you will want to wipe them
down to get rid of any hand prints or other debris. Just before
installation of your counter you may want to apply adhesive or
silicone to the top of the bracket to adhere it to the counter.
Once the counter is in place, you can caulk around the edge of
the brackets, if you choose. This will give greater adherence to
the countertop and cover any gap between the brackets
and counter.
Final step is to enjoy your work and your new kitchen count-
er! We are thankful that you chose to support your beautiful
counters with Federal Brace bracket. We would be thankful if
you would send us images of your new kitchen and our brackets
under your counters. We enjoy seeing Federal Brace supports
at work.
Also, know that the highest compliment Federal Brace can be
given is a reference from our customers to friends and family. If
you have enjoyed your buying experience with Federal Brace
please let someone know.
For any questions or comments please to contact us by email at or by phone at (877) 353-8899.
If you are a more of a visual learner check out our installation videos on our YouTube channel Don’t forget to share your projects
with your new Federal Brace brackets on Twitter and Instagram, just tag us @FederalBrace. Like us on Facebook, and check out our
boards on Pinterest for more home improvement/decor and DIY project ideas.