User Manual

B. Parametrizing via field bus
Force mode
Stroke Limit
PNU 510 uint32 rw
Description Stroke limitation: Maximum permitted stroke with force control.
The distance of the actual position from the start position must not be more
than the amount specified in this parameter. In this way you can ensure that, if
force control is activated by mistake (e.g.missing work item), the axis will not
perform an uncontrolled movement. This parameter is taken into account in all
control modes in which the position controller is not active in the status
Operation enabled." Monitoring can be deactivated when bit RCB1.B5 is set.
CI 60F6h 01h uint32 rw
DeviceNet C: 105 A: 10 I: 1 uint32 rw
Min Torque/Force
PNU 511 uint16 r
Description The lowest permitted torque of the motor in per mill of the rated value
(6076h/PNU 1036). Fixed = 300
CI 60F6h 05h uint16 r
DeviceNet C: 105 A: 11 I: 1 uint16 r
Max Torque/Force
PNU 512 uint16 rw
Description The highest permitted torque of the motor in per mill of the rated value
(6076h/PNU 1036).
Values: 0 ... 1000
CI 6072h 00h uint16 rw
DeviceNet C: 105 A: 12 I: 1 uint16 rw