User Manual

1. System summary
Object model In DeviceNet, data are accessed via objects. Each DeviceNet
station has one or more objects of various classes. An object
is an instance o
f a class:
Standard classes describe e.g. basic features, the
communication behaviour or parameters of individual
channels of a slave.
Manufacturer−specific classes desc
ribe device−specific
properties or parameters.
Device profile Device profiles define the minimum available objects and
communication functions for the specific de
vice types. The
SFCLACI corresponds to the DeviceNet specification of the
device profile Communication Adapter" (device type number
Predefined connectionF
or simple slave devices, predefined master/slave
connections (Predefined Master/Slave Connection Sets")
can be used; these simplify the transmission of
tI/O data
between the higher−order controller (master) and the
decentralised peripheral devices (slaves). The SFCLACIDN
works according to the specification
Predefined connection
set, Group 2 slave only".