
2. Installation and project overwiev
Festo P.BE−SFC−DC−PB−S7−EN en 0604NH
2.2 Dearchivating the example project
The example project will be made available as project
Procedure for dearchivating
1. Open the dialogue Retrieving Select an archive" with
the command [File] [Retrieve] ([File] [Dearchivate]).
Fig.2/3: Dearchivate project
2. Select the archive file of the example project
(e.g. SFC−").
3. Select the desired destination path in the dialogue
Select destination directory".
If the option Scan destination directory when dearchivat
ing" is switched off in the basic settings of the SIMATIC
Manager, the preset path will be used directly as the des
tination path during dearchivation.
4. The unpacking of the project will be shown in a DOS or
console window. The project will then be opened in the
SIMATIC Manager: