
1. Decide how much trash rejection you want to
a. In relatively non-trashy soil you may wish to
search at zero trash rejection. In this manner, your
1212-X is at its most sensi- tive and will detect all
metal targets within its range. Once an object is
detected, you can increase the trash rejection
level for further identification.
b. In trashy areas, it is generally easier to search
at a higher level of trash rejection (at the pull tab
discrimination point for example). This way you will
detect mostly good targets and can lower the
rejection level for pinpointing (zero trash rejection
will produce the strongest signal over small or deep
2. Search slowly and systematically, sweeping in a
tight semicircle.
3. Keep the coil parallel to, and as close to the
ground as practical. If you’re hunting on a lawn,
you can set the coil right on the grass and search.
4. Overlap your sweeps at least 50%.
5. Search in a methodical manner. Pay close
attention to where you’re going and where you’ve
6. Keep the search coil moving at a comfortable
Figure 5. Search Pattern.
When the stem is properly
adjusted, the 1212-X is balenced
for sweeping in a tight semi-
circle. Always overlap your
sweeps at least 50%.