
a. In relatively non-trashy soil use a low level of
discrimination (2 for example) with the SILENCER
OFF. In this manner the 1236-X2 will detect all metal
targets within its range and you can instantly
increase the discrimination for further identification.
b. In trashy areas you’ll probably want to operate
at a higher level of discrimination (6 for example)
with the SILENCER switched ON to cut down on
the amount of time you spend digging bad targets.
5. Keep the search coil moving at a comfortable
rate. Remember that the 1236-X2 is a motion
detector and responds only when the search coil
(or the target) is moving while in the Search mode.
6. Keep the coil parallel to, and as close to the
ground as possible. Keep the search coil parallel
to, and as close to the ground as possible.
7. Overlap your sweeps approximately 50 percent.
8. Search in a methodical manner, sweeping in a
tight semicircle. Pay close attention to where
you’re going and where you’ve been.
9. TAKE YOUR TIME. Also very important. If you walk
too fast you can’t overlap your sweeps and you’ll
miss a lot of ground.
NOTE: If you sweep too fast, you’ll lose sensitivity
and miss the deep targets.
10. The figure below shows the search coil detection
pattern and how it is affected by sweep speed,
discrimination level and overlapping sweeps in the
Search mode.
Figure 8. The 1236-X2 is
balanced for sweeping in
a tight semicircle. Always
overlap your sweeps by at
least 50% or you’ll miss a lot
of the deeper targets