iCommand-Touch Manual

Fig. 12: "Temperature" screen
Fig. 13: "Air quantity" screen
Fig. 14: "Usage" screen
Fig. 15
: "Maintenance interval" screen
In the "Temperature" screen the temperature of the system is
graphically displayed.
In the "Air quantity" screen the air quan
tity is displayed in cubic feet
per hour.
In the "Usage" screen the amount of operating hours, on
off-load hours and rea
dy hours are graphically displayed.
: "Maintenance interval" screen
In the "Maintenance interval" screen the time to the next maintenance
for the oil filter, suction filter, oil separator, compressor and motor are
graphically displayed.
iCommand – Touch
- Touch
In the "Temperature" screen the temperature of the system is
tity is displayed in cubic feet
In the "Usage" screen the amount of operating hours, on
-load hours,
dy hours are graphically displayed.
In the "Maintenance interval" screen the time to the next maintenance
for the oil filter, suction filter, oil separator, compressor and motor are