Users Manual Part 8

[GATE SIZE]: Set the gate size among [S], [M], [L] or
[LL] (default: [M])
[FILTER RESPONSE]: Set the filter response func-
tion. The setting range is 1 to 4.
[1]: Filter response is improved (default).
[4]: Filter stability is improved.
[LOST COUNT]: Set the number of scans to allow
before a target is declared a lost target. The setting
range is 1 to 20 scans (default: [9SCAN]).
[MAX SPEED]: Set the maximum tracking speed.
The setting range is 40 to 150 kn (default: [150kn]).
[START TIME TGT VECT]: Set the number of sec-
onds or number of scans to wait before showing the
vector for a newly acquired target. Select [TIME] or
[SCAN] then enter value.
[TIME]: The setting range is 0 to 100 sec (default [0sec]).
[SCAN]: The setting range is 0 to 40 scans (default [0SCAN]).
[NUMBER OF TT]: The setting [100] can not be changed.
Select [YES] to restore the default settings for the [TT PRESET] menu.
3.5.6 [BAUD RATE] menu
Set the baud rate, 4800 or 38400 (bps), for connected
equipment - heading sensor, AIS transponder, GPS
navigator, Log, AMS, and ECDIS.
Note: For IMO-type radars, [HDG] and [AIS] is fixed to