User's Manual

Furuno Sounders
LF: Lower frequencies, (50 kHz) The 50 kHz frequency is
useful for general detection and judging bottom condition.
HF: Higher frequencies, (200 kHz) The higher frequency of
the ultrasonic signal the better the resolution. For this reason the
200 kHz frequency is ideal for detailed observation of fish schools..
Note: At this time the Zoom modes are not available (only HF or LF
screen are supported)
The graphical Echo can be displayed either in Single Frequency or Dual Frequency depending on
your choice.
Single Frequency
Following picture shows the depth graphical echo when Single Frequency is chosen. The Single
frequency display shows either the HF (left-hand on picture)graphical echo or LF (Right-hand on
picture) graphical echo. To select transmission frequency mode, click the appropriate button (either HF
or LF) on the Sounder ribbon toolbar.
Dual Frequency
Following picture shows the depth graphical echo when Dual Frequency is chosen. The Dual
Frequency display provides both HF (on Left-hand frame in the picture) and LF (on Right-hand frame in
the picture). This display can be useful for comparing same picture with two different sounding