User Manual

" For maximum compatibility and flexibility, the Expertool utility can be loaded
and unloaded dynamically. Notice: Many features which by the Expertool and
only available when Expertool was actived.
" These pictures in this chapter are only for Win98 reference.
Expertool is a display control and desktop enhancement utility for Windows
95/98/NT, specially designed and optimized for use with your graphics accelerator.
You should think of Expertool as a kind of supplementary “device driver” which
works in conjunction with your accelerators display driver.
Expertool will automatically install when you use the Setup program under Windows
95/98/NT (refer to Chapter 3). Once installed, it can be activated by selecting
Programs Expertool Expertool (Figure 5-1) or clicking on the "Expertool"
(Figure 5-3) icon in the System tray to show the Expertool Properties on your screen.
(Figure 5-2)
Click Close button to close Expertool. (Figure 5-2)
Then click Start button on the task bar and select Settings Control
Panel Add/Remove Programs.
Choice Expertool item for Install/Uninstall and click the Add/Remove button.
Click OK to uninstall Expertool.
Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3
Chapter 5 Expertool for Windows