Installation Guide

The top tier frame has four prongs. Loop the center hole of the bottom canopy through each prong, one
prong at a time. Do this for all four prongs. If you loosened the top tier roof bars during removal of the
old canopy, here is when you want to tighten the top tier roof bars in place. Doing this will allow you to
install the top tier later. Once this is done, let the bottom tier canopy rest on the roof structure. Do not
fully install the bottom tier canopy yet, you will still need access to the top of the gazebo to install the
top tier.
3. Install the Top Tier Canopy Rest the top tier canopy on the top tier frame. Pull each corner of the
top tier towards the end of the prongs. Insert ends of prongs into the corner pockets one prong at a
time. You will need to pull a little harder on the last corner pocket to complete the installation.
4. Fully Install Bottom Tier Canopy - Begin by pulling the corners of the canopy towards the corners of
the gazebo frame. Fasten the bottom tier tightly to the frame by placing the corners of the canopy over
the corners of the gazebo frame. Do this for all four corner pockets. You will need to pull harder on the
last corner pocket, as there is less slack available. Then fasten available Velcro straps to the roof bars.
Finally, connect the bottom tier and top tier together via the zipper lining.
5. You’re finished! Enjoy your new canopy!!!
Copyrighted Garden Winds