Design Espresso Machine Advanced Pro G Owner's manual

Integrated / Removable Tamper
Tamping is the application of even and consistent pressure to the espresso grinds. The tam-
per is conveniently located ›on board‹ the machine and can be used both in the ›on board‹
position or whilst removed depending on your preference.
Programmable Function
The appliance offers a convenient choice between preset
shot sizes (1oz or 2oz), manual function (over-rides preset
shot size for one time only) or a programmable function
that reprograms the preset shot sizes with the user’s pre-
ferred shot size.
Espresso Ppressure Gauge
The espresso pressure gauge assists in obtaining the most favorable ex-
traction pressure, guiding the user to create their ideal espresso. This is
achieved by measuring the pressure at which the water is being forced
through the ground espresso in the portafilter. The ideal position of the
gauge needle is anywhere within the ESPRESSO RANGE.
Tamper ›on board‹
Tamper removed