Conventional Flue Instructions

Once the baffle has been placed carefully to one side the
liners can then been taken out in the following order.
4.9 To remove the Left Hand liner first tilt inwards towards the
centre of the firebox before lifting up and pulling out through
the front of the firebox, see Diagram 9.
4.10 To remove the Right Hand liner first tilt inwards towards the
centre of the firebox before lifting up and pulling out through
the front of the firebox, see Diagram 9.
The two side liners also support the raised rear liner.
Taking out the side liners will allow the rear liner to drop
down so ensure it is supported and removed carefully, see
Diagram 10.
Servicing Instructions - Replacing Parts
4.11 The lower rear liner does not need to be removed from the
bracket in order to access the burner tray for maintenance,
but can be lifted off in order to clean or replace, see
Diagram 11.
4.12 With the liners and baffle removed the firebox is clear for
cleaning and maintenance, see Diagram 12.
4.13 To replace the liners liner and baffle reverse these