Microwave Oven ZEM200WV

Microwave Oven
Position remaining piece of Template 2 inside cabinet
and align hole center line with arrows on Template 1.
Cut excess paper from center of Template 2 so it will
lie flat.
Distance from right hole center to left hole center
should measure distance indicated on template.
Tape remaining portion of Template 2 in place.
With template secured in place, check again that
hole center lines on Template 2 are straight, and
that distance from right to left hole center measures
distance shown on template.
Position Template 2 flat against underside of cabinet:
If cabinet is less than 12" deep, cut that amount off
front edge of template.
If cabinet has a front rail, cut front edge of
template to fit; place cut edge against back of
front rail.
Cut template to fit around corner brackets or glue
blocks underneath cabinet.
If cabinet has partition:
– Cut Template 2 into two pieces to fit on either side
of partition.
Align front edge of one template piece with front
edge of cabinet or back of front rail; tape in place.
Tape Template 1 to rear of cabinet, aligning arrow
with hole center line on Template 2.
Position remaining piece of Template 2 under
cabinet and align hole center line with arrows on
Template 1.
Cut excess paper from center of Template 2 so it
will lie flat.
Distance from right hole center to left hole center
should measure distance indicated on template.
Tape remaining portion of Template 2 in place.
To drill
from inside
To drill from
If cabinet
has a