User Manual

Do not use chemical agents as this may
damage and discolor the unit.
Limitations of Alarm Products
This product should be tested periodically to make sure
it is working properly. The product, if used properly, may
reduce the risk of burglary, robbery, or other adverse
events. However, JASCO is not an insurer, this product is
neither insurance nor a guarantee that such an event will be
prevented, and users should protect themselves with proper
insurance. JASCO makes no representation that this product
cannot be compromised or circumvented, that it will provide
an adequate warning, or that it will prevent any personal
injuries, property damage, or other losses. Like any alarm
product, including expensive commercial systems, it may be
bypassed, it is subject to compromise, and it may fail to warn
for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to: improper
installation or positioning; improper maintenance; tampering;