
Possible Causes What ToDo
todry ....
Improper sorting Separate heaxT items flom lightweight items (generally,
a well-sorted washer h)ad is a well-sorted duet load).
Large loads of heavy fabrics (like I,mge, heaxT fhbrics contain more moisture and take
beach towels) longer to dU. Sepmate large, heaxT fitbrics into smaller
loads to speed &ying time.
Controls improperly set Matdl (ontrol settings to the h)ad you are &)dng.
Lint filter is full (lean lint fiher bet_)re eveU load.
Improper or obstructed ducting Check installation instm_ tions for proper
Make sure (h_cting is clean, fiee of kinks and
Check to see if outside wall dmnper operates easily.
Check the Installation Instructions to make sure the dxTer
venting is correct.
Blown fuses or tripped circuit Replace fi_sesor reset drcuit breakers. Since most
breaker thyers use 2 fl_ses/breakers, make sure both me
Overloading/combining loads Do not put more than one w;tsher load in the duet at
Underloading If you me &ying only one or two items, add a few items to
ensure proper rambling.
Clothes are wrinkled Overdrying Select a shorter (h)dng time.
Remove items while they still hold a slight mn_unt of
Letting items sit in dryer after Rem_)ve items when _Tcle ends and fold or hang
cycle ends immediately.
Clothes shrink Some fabrics will naturally shrink To avoid shrinkage, ti_llow gm'ment cme labels exactly.
when washed. Others can be Some items may be pressed back into shape :tiler &)dng.
safelywashed, but will shrink
in the dryer Ifyou al'e concerned abou/sln'inl_tge in a pal'/iculal" i/elll,
do not machine w:tsh or tumble &y it.