
Lower Rack
traysin thefrontrightcorner.Theymaypreventdetergent
The lox_r rack is best used fi)r plains, saucers,
and cookware. Large items such as broiler pans
and racks should go along the sides. Load
platmrs, pots and bowls along the sides, in
comers, or in lhe back. The soiled side of items
should tace the center of the rack.
Fold-doxm fingers (on some models) provide
flexibility fi)r extra large and hard-to-fit items.
The fingers may be left in the up position or
fi)lded dox_I_to customize the lower rack.
Silverware Basket
Put flatware in tim removable basket x_fithfork
and knite handles up to protect your hands. Place
spoons in the basket x_lh handles doxm. Mix
knives, finks and spoons so they don't nest
u)geflmr. DistHbum evenly. Small plastic items,
such as measuring spoons and lids fiom small
containers, should go in the botu)m of the
siNerware basket xdlh silverware on u)p.
To increase lhe flexibility of the lower rack, lhe
siNerware basket m W be split. (;rasp the basket at
opposim comers and slide apml. The basket
sections should be placed in the lower rack by
hanging lhem on the lop hoop.
...................... A security cell cover (on
_iii, somemodels)hingedin
_:'t _'_il:_llll_ somehandlescanbe
\\ lowered,oei,herside,o
fi-om the effects Of the
_-ra'r.....'>'_ vigorous wash action.