Operation Manual

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Owner's Manual
Interface Basics
The left and right display areas above the identifier show various functions. The currently
selected function is shown in reverse-highlight.
Your principal navigating tool is the Cursor Diamond, arranged in four arrows in a
diamond fashion and a central “On/Off” switch, called the “Toggle”.
This control moves the display’s cursor around the currently selected page, in the
directions indicated by the “arrows”. The display cursor is a reverse-highlighted
rectangle which marks the value of the currently selected parameter.
Selecting Tracks or performing Editing tasks involves selecting various elements in the
display and changing their values. The Tracks or Parameters are selected by highlighting
them and their status is changed with Data Entry Dial or Toggle, as shown below.
The “TOGGLE” - the central Cursor diamond button
The central button of the Cursor Diamond is used as a Data Entry control but, its use is
limited to toggling between “On” and “Off” situations.
Zoom in - zoom out
In Bank situations where Tracks are displayed, the right cursor diamond zooms in on a
single Track or two layered Tracks, so that you can view them in larger type.
Normal size is restored with the left cursor diamond.
The Function buttons (F1…F8)
In many edit situations, the Function buttons F1…F8 are used to navigate from one
function to another.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
The function of these buttons change depending on the currently selected mode.
The PAGE+ and PAGE- buttons of the Edit section
The two buttons are exclusively used to change page. Edit modes which consist of more
than one page will show PAGE+ on the entry level page. Depending on how many pages
follow, you will see “Page+/Page-” or “Page-” on subsequent pages PAGE + advances
to the next page, PAGE - returns to the previous one.
Zoom out Zoom in
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