Instructions / Assembly

Step 3: Roll on Clear Topcoat
Use the Kit’s foam brush and apply a narrow strip of the Topcoat to the top and
bottom of your backsplash in a section that is about 3’ wide.
Next, use the Kit’s second roller pad and apply a thin coat of the Topcoat to the
backsplash in same section. (Don’t push the roller cover onto the roller arm too
far because it may affect its ability to roll easily)
Now apply the Topcoat with the roller to the 3’ section countertop surface.
(If your tops have a sloping front edge, continue your roll stroke over the edge.)
Immediately after coating the section, roll back over the area by using one set of
end-to-end, one way, roll strokes across the top. Be sure to not create lap lines by
pushing too hard while rolling.
If you missed a spot, don’t worry, you will get it on your next coat. DON’T re-roll
the area, as you will create a tacky surface that will have texture on it once dry.
Repeat the process with each adjoining section until the entire countertop is
When done, clean the roller cover with warm water and let dry.
Wait 4 hours before applying the second coat.
There is no need to sand between coats unless it is not completely smooth. Once
dry, run your hand over the surface to make sure that there is no texture. If there
is, lightly sand with a #600 grit sandpaper and clean up with a damp cloth. Make
sure the surface is completely dry and dust free before applying the 2
After your final topcoat (recommended to apply 2, max of 3), wait 1 hour and
score the tape with blade and slowly pull.
Be sure to wait 12 hours before applying clear caulk around your sink’s rim.
When can I use my countertops again?
Wait 24 hours after the final topcoat layer before using your countertops and
After 3 days, you may set light appliances back on your surface (such as a toaster,
cutting board, knife holder), but it is recommended to wait the full cure time of 14
days before placing heavy appliances (such as a microwave) back on your
Full cure time for Giani is 14 days. While you can clean gently during this time
we do not recommend cleaning aggressively until after the 14 day cure time.
(Please note: We recommend only using soap and warm water to clean your
counters, do not clean with harsh chemicals or household cleaners.)