Certifications 2

Safety data sheet according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II
Revision date / version: 02.10.2018 / 0001
Replacing version dated / version: 02.10.2018 / 0001
Valid from: 02.10.2018
PDF print date: 04.10.2018
Compressed air spray for office
Do not store with flammable or self-igniting materials.
Keep protected from direct sunlight and temperatures over 50°C.
Store in a well-ventilated place.
Store cool.
7.3 Specific end use(s)
No information available at present.
SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1 Control parameters
Chemical Name
Content %:
WEL-TWA: 600 ppm (1450 mg/m3) WEL-STEL: 750 ppm (1810 mg/m3) ---
Monitoring procedures: - Compur - KITA-221 SA (549 459)
BMGV: --- Other information: ---
Chemical Name
Content %:
WEL-TWA: 1000 ppm (ACGIH) WEL-STEL: --- ---
Monitoring procedures: - Compur - KITA-125 SA (549 954)
BMGV: --- Other information: ---
WEL-TWA = Workplace Exposure Limit - Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA (= time weighted average) reference period)
EH40. AGW = "Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert" (workplace limit value, Germany).
(8) = Inhalable fraction (2017/164/EU, 2017/2398/EU). (9) = Respirable fraction (2017/164/EU, 2017/2398/EU). | WEL-STEL =
Workplace Exposure Limit - Short-term exposure limit (15-minute reference period).
(8) = Inhalable fraction (2017/164/EU, 2017/2398/EU). (9) = Respirable fraction (2017/164/EU, 2017/2398/EU). (10) = Short-term
exposure limit value in relation to a reference period of 1 minute (2017/164/EU). | BMGV = Biological monitoring guidance value
EH40. BGW = "Biologischer Grenzwert" (biological limit value, Germany) | Other information: Sen = Capable of causing occupational
asthma. Sk = Can be absorbed through skin. Carc = Capable of causing cancer and/or heritable genetic damage.
** = The exposure limit for this substance is repealed through the TRGS 900 (Germany) of January 2006 with the goal of revision.
8.2 Exposure controls
8.2.1 Appropriate engineering controls
Ensure good ventilation. This can be achieved by local suction or general air extraction.
If this is insufficient to maintain the concentration under the WEL or AGW values, suitable breathing protection should be worn.
Applies only if maximum permissible exposure values are listed here.
Suitable assessment methods for reviewing the effectiveness of protection measures adopted include metrological and non-
metrological investigative techniques.
These are specified by e.g. BS EN 14042.
BS EN 14042 "Workplace atmospheres. Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of exposure to
chemical and biological agents".
8.2.2 Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment
General hygiene measures for the handling of chemicals are applicable.
Wash hands before breaks and at end of work.
Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs.
Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering areas in which food is consumed.
Eye/face protection:
With danger of contact with eyes.
Tight fitting protective goggles with side protection (EN 166).
Skin protection - Hand protection:
Normally not necessary.
If applicable
Nitrile-soaked cotton gloves with CE sign EN 374)
Minimum layer thickness in mm:
Permeation time (penetration time) in minutes:
The breakthrough times determined in accordance with EN 16523-1 were not obtained under practical conditions.
The recommended maximum wearing time is 50% of breakthrough time.
Protective hand cream recommended.
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