Certifications 2

Safety data sheet according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II
Revision date / version: 02.10.2018 / 0001
Replacing version dated / version: 02.10.2018 / 0001
Valid from: 02.10.2018
PDF print date: 04.10.2018
Compressed air spray for office
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Observe restrictions:
Comply with trade association/occupational health regulations.
Directive 2012/18/EU ("Seveso III"), Annex I, Part 1 - The following categories apply to this product (others may also need to be
considered according to storage, handling etc.):
Hazard categories Notes to Annex I Qualifying quantity (tonnes) of
dangerous substances as
referred to in Article 3(10) for
the application of - Lower-tier
Qualifying quantity (tonnes) of
dangerous substances as
referred to in Article 3(10) for
the application of - Upper-tier
P3a 11.1 150 (netto) 500 (netto)
The Notes to Annex 1 of Directive 2012/18/EU, in particular those named in the tables here and notes 1-6, must be taken into
account when assigning categories and qualifying quantities.
Directive 2012/18/EU ("Seveso III"), Annex I, Part 2 - This product contains the substances listed below:
Entry Nr Dangerous substances Notes to Annex I Qualifying quantity
(tonnes) for the
application of - Lower-
tier requirements
Qualifying quantity
(tonnes) for the
application of - Upper-
tier requirements
18 Liquefied flammable
gases, Category 1 or 2
(including LPG) and
natural gas
19 50 200
The Notes to Annex 1 of Directive 2012/18/EU, in particular those named in the tables here and notes 1-6, must be taken into
account when assigning categories and qualifying quantities.
Observe incident regulations.
15.2 Chemical safety assessment
A chemical safety assessment is not provided for mixtures.
SECTION 16: Other information
Revised sections: n.a.
Employee training in handling dangerous goods is required.
These details refer to the product as it is delivered.
Employee instruction/training in handling hazardous materials is required.
Classification and processes used to derive the classification of the mixture in accordance with
the ordinance (EG) 1272/2008 (CLP):
Classification in accordance with regulation
(EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP)
Evaluation method used
Aerosol 1, H222 Classification according to calculation procedure.
Aerosol 1, H229 Classification based on the form or physical state.
The following phrases represent the posted Hazard Class and Risk Category Code (GHS/CLP) of the product and the constituents
(specified in Section 2 and 3).
Aerosol — Aerosols
Any abbreviations and acronyms used in this document:
AC Article Categories
acc., acc. to according, according to
ACGIHAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
ADR Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route (= European Agreement
concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)
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