Pre-Delivery/Install Checklist

Before using Google Home to control the smart device, please ensure
that you have met the following preconditions.
u The latest version Google Home App or Google App (only for
Android) has been installed on your mobile phone.
u The latest version of GREE+ App has been installed on your
mobile phone.
1. Prepare the device networking configuration according to the guidance
of the GREE+ App. Google Assistant GREE Air conditioning
Note: Please modify device name as the name which can be easily
identified by Google Assistant in App. In general, an English name. i.e.:
GREE Air conditioning.
2. Configure Google Home
Google Home, Android
If you have configured Google Home, please skip this step. Follow
this for Android instruction as below.
u Google Home Wi-Fi Please ensure that your Google Home
device is turned on, connected with your Wi-Fi and 4 colored
indicators on the top are on.
u Google Home App,“ DiscoverGoogle. Turn on Google Home
App on your mobile phone. After you log in successfully,
Google devices waiting for connection will automatically