Users Guide Manual

QuikRuler III 11
2. Power-up the digitizer.
3. Using the stylus tip, click anywhere on the digitizer when the Relocate Menu
message is displayed.
QuikRuler III prompts you to Select Point 1.
4. Click the stylus on the left point of the menu.
QuikRuler III then prompts you to Select Point 2.
5. Click the stylus on the right point of the menu.
The Select from Menu prompt displays to indicate the QuikRuler Menu relocation has
been successful.
Relocating the Menu while Working with QuikRuler III
You can change the location of the QuikRuler Menu at any time while working with
QuikRuler III.
1. Click on the button.
2. Put the menu where you want it to be relocated and tape it down. QuikRuler III
prompts you to Select Point 1.
3. Click the stylus on the left point of the menu. QuikRuler III then prompts you to
Select Point 2.