Users Guide Manual

QuikRuler III 29
Send Data from QuikRuler III to PC
1. Make sure the cursor is positioned in the application where you want to insert the
measurement from QuikRuler III.
2. Click on the button on the QuikRuler Menu, or on the black button on your
stylus, (or on the green button on the 4-Button Cursor, or the 7 button on the 16-
Button Cursor) to send the number shown on line 2 of the QuikRuler III display to
the computer. The value will be entered into your application as it would if you had
actually typed the value on your keyboard.
To simplify data entry to your spreadsheet, use the Last Character option from the
function. The option is used to set the last character sent, terminating the
numeric value on line 2 of the QuikRuler III display. For example, select the Down Arrow
<> or Enter option as the last character when you want to enter a column of values to
your spreadsheet. This will enter the value in a cell and move the cursor to the cell
immediately below the entry, where it will be ready for the next value.
You can navigate around in your
spreadsheet application by selecting the
cursor-movement buttons. For example,
click on the button to move up one line
or cell in your spreadsheet application.