User's Manual

Standards for assessment of high or low blood pressure
without regard to age, have been established by the WHO,
and classifications adapted from JNC7:
: World
JNC 7: The Seventh Report of
the Joint National Committee
on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure. NIH
Publication No.04-5230 August 2004
However the above chart is not exact for classification of blood
pressure and it's intended to be used as a guide in
understanding non-invasive blood pressure measurements.
Please consult with your physician for proper diagnosis.
Variations in blood pressure:
Individual blood pressures vary greatly both on a daily and a
seasonal basis. These variations are even more pronounced in
hyper tense patients. Normally the blood pressure rises while at
work and is at its lowest during sleeping period.
(hyper tense: means a person who has high blood
pressure symptom.)
The graph below illustrated the
variations in blood pressure over a
whole day with measurement taken
every five minutes.
The thick line represents sleep. The
rise in blood pressure at 4 PM (A in
the graph) and 12 PM (B in the graph) correspond to an attack
of pain.
HL858DC Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor measures
blood pressure and heart rate by oscillometric method, meaning the
fluctuations in pressure are measured. Once the cuff is wrapped
around your upper arm, just turn on the monitor and inflation
automatically starts. The inflation of the cuff creates pressure around
the arteries inside upper arm.
Within the cuff is a gauge which senses the fluctuations (oscillations)
in pressure. The fluctuation measured represents the degree of
intensity that your arteries contracting with each heart beat, and also
a result of the pressure that the cuff has placed on the upper arm. The
monitor measures these contractions and converts the information to
a digital value. This is the result displayed on the monitor screen.
Once the measurement is complete, the cuff will automatically
HL858DC Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor has been
clinically tested against a scientific device called sphygmomanometer,
considered the gold standard in blood pressure measurement.
All HL858DC Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitors have
performed equivalent to measurements taken with this scientific
device and are within the accuracy limits prescribed by the American
National Standard for Electronic or Automated
*We suggest our users have their blood pressure monitor
checked every 2 years. This operation should only be
performed by Manufacturer or by authorized representatives.
Measurement Method
About Blood Pressure
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