- WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump Operations Manual

Section 3 WattMaster WHP
3-20 Programming
2) WHP Schedules
The Water Source Heat Pump controllers contain their own built in scheduling capability
for calculating Occupied/Unoccupied periods. Select item #2 from Schedules menu to
access the following schedule programming menu.
Schedule Menu
Week Schedule Programming
Event #1
Event #2
There are two Start / Stop events available per day.
The first line is the start time for event #1 and the next line is
the stop time for event #1.
The screens will step through the Start Time and then the Stop
Time for each day of the week. You can quit at any point in the
process by pressing the "ESC" key.
If no second event is required, simply leave a ZERO for both
the start and stop times on the event #2 screens.
All times are in 24-hour format, so 5:00 PM would be entered
as 1700.
If both the Start and Stop Times are ZERO, the schedule is in a
Continuous OFF mode.
If both the Start and Stop Times are 2359, the schedule is in a
Continuous ON mode.