Operation Manual

5.15 Contours in the YZ plane
Single surface in YZ plane
This function defines a surface in the YZ plane.
You can switch between depth (Ki) and residual depth (K) by pressing
a soft key (see table at right).
You can find the reference diameter XR with the "select reference
plane" function (siehe Seite 425).
ICP generates:
The LATERAL_Y section code with the parameters reference
diameter and spindle angle. The section code is omitted for nested
A G308 with the parameter contour name.
A G386 with the parameters of the single surface.
A G309.
Soft key
Switches the field to entering the
residual depth K.
Reference data of the single surface
ID Contour name
C Spindle angle (position angle of the surface normal)
XR Reference diameter
Parameters of the single surface
Z Reference edge
Ki Depth
K Residual depth
B Width (reference: reference dimension ZR)
B<0: Surface in negative Z direction
B>0: Surface in positive Z direction