Operation Manual

572 Organization mode of operation
8.2 Parameters
Finishing – Tool tolerances
For tool selection, the following applies:
Tool angle (EW): EW >= mkw
(mkw: ascending contour angle)
Tool angle (EW) and point angle (SW):
NWmin < (EW+SW) < NWmax
Adjacent angle tolerance (FNWT): FNWT = NWmax – NWmin
Finishing – Tool tolerances
Approach and departure are at rapid traverse (G0).
To ol to l er an c es
Adjacent angle tolerance [FNWT]
Tolerance range for secondary cutting edge
Relief cutting angle [FFW]
Minimum angle differential between the contour and
secondary cutting edge
Approach and departure
Approach – external finishing [ANFA]
Approach – internal finishing [ANFI]
Departure – external finishing [ABFA]
Departure – internal finishing [ABFI]
Approach/departure strategy:
1: Move simultaneously in X and Z directions
2: First X, then Z direction
3: First Z, then X direction
6: Coupled motion; X precedes Z direction
7: Coupled motion; Z precedes X direction