Installation & Assembly

Power tools can cause serious damage if not professionally used. Safety gear
must be worn before installation to prevent unexpected injuries.
Pick an area free of hazardous condition before you start on the project.
Please use tools and power tools responsibly any loss of control and
accident deaths may occur due to abuse of tools.
Big objects required in this project are needed to be carefully and responsibily
moved. Be sure to wear safety gloves and shoes to prevent any serious injury.
Be extremely careful to not put any parts of your body against a moving part
of the hardware. This may cause bruising, punctures, and other results of
injuries when for example when fingers are caught in the closing area
of the doors.
Precautions should be taken when opening or closing the door(s). Handles
should be used when attempting to slide the door(s). Always keep you and
children aware and safe from any unexpected situations.
Any extreme uncontrolled pressure opening or closing the door(s) can damage
the hardware gradually. Use handle(s) to open and close the door(s) with care
at all times.