Use and Care Manual

For technical support and assistance, call 844-894-6659
The Importance of Good Water Chemistry
For your health and safety, it is imperative to have clean, clear, water. Water maintenance will vary depending on many things like
the base water quality, how often the spa is used and how many people use the spa. Remember, when it comes to water chemistry,
ltration is not the same as sanitation. Following a regular schedule will help you achieve and maintain good water chemistry. Bacteria
and viruses grow quickly in water when it is not properly maintained. Maintaining your water is necessary not only for proper sanitation,
but preventing buildup and deposits that will harm your spa.
One of the leading preventable causes of spa malfunction is failure to maintain good water chemistry. Too many chemicals may cause
deterioration of the components, acrylic surface and the spa cover. Not enough sanitation allows impurities to accumulate, which will
hinder performance and may cause permanent damage to the spa. Water can become unsanitary very quickly if chemicals are not used
to adequately sanitize. Incorrect pH or calcium levels can lead to corrosion and scale build up on integral spa components.
The following guidelines have been established for spas by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals:
pH 7.2 to 7.6
Free Chlorine 3.0 to 4.0 ppm
Free Bromine 2.0 to 4.0 ppm
Total Alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm
Calcium Hardness 150 to 250 ppm
Maintaining Water Quality