Use and Care Manual

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Ozone Generators
Your spa may have come with an ozone generator which will help reduce dissolved solids and increase oxygen in the water, but it will
not sanitize the water without chemicals. You must use a sanitizer in tandem with the ozone generator. The ozone generator is designed
to make chemicals more ecient and maintaining good water chemistry easier.
Chlorine Generators
Your spa may have come with an optional salt system, also known as a chlorine generator. This system is designed to maintain water
chemistry by converting salt into sanitizer without using any chemicals. Since the system does not create any residual chlorine, water
testing will not provide an accurate assessment of sanitation levels. Test strips are only used to test and maintain adequate levels of
alkalinity, pH and water hardness when you have a chlorine generator.
Breaking Down the Basics
Each step of a water maintenance program is dependent upon the previous steps. Omission of any step or failing to reach the
recommended ranges may cause an imbalance in water chemistry. Unbalanced water may cause damage to the spa components
and create discomfort for bathers. To measure the quality of your water, immerse a test strip in water following the instructions on the
container. Do not touch the test strips as it may aect the results. Compare the test strip and the label to determine the condition of the
spa water.
Step 1.) Balancing Total Alkalinity (TA)
The recommended total alkalinity levels are between 80 and 120 ppm. The Total Alkalinity is the measurement of carbonates,
bicarbonates, hydroxides and other alkaline substances in the water. TA is referred to as the water’s “pH buer”. It is a measure of the
water’s ability to resist changes in the pH level. If the TA is too low, the pH level will uctuate quickly, easily and greatly. Changes in pH
can cause corrosion or scaling on the spa components. You can correct low Total Alkalinity by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate (pH/
Alkalinity Up).
Step 2.) Balancing Calcium Hardness (CH)
The recommended calcium hardness (CH) level for your spa is 150-250 ppm. Calcium Hardness is a measurement of the total amount
of dissolved calcium in the water. Calcium helps control the corrosive nature of the spa’s water. Calcium-low water (commonly known
Maintaining Water Quality