Use and Care Manual

Bath Care and Cleaning Guide
Between dirty shoes, wet feet and product spills, bath mat stains and troublesome spots tend to pop
up and often out of nowhere. Whether you are looking to clean a cotton, nylon, polyester or mem-
ory foam bath rugs; below are some simple solutions that address everything from stains to mildew
Tip: Always treat the affected area immediately. The longer a stain sits, the more difcult it is
to remove. Clean using a blotting motion. Never scrub your bath rug, as this can cause the
stain to set deeper into the bers.
•For water soluble stains (i.e. berries, soft drinks, ice cream, shampoo), mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. white
vinegar with 32 oz. water in a spray bottle. Spray generously and blot dry with a damp, clean cloth.
•For mildew take the bath rug outside and scrub the mold and mildew from the backing of the rug to
remove any loose debris. Do this step while wearing a mask, and gloves to prevent the inhalation of
mold and mildew spores. Then place the bath rug in the washing machine. Use mild detergent and
add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the fabric softener container. The vinegar as a rinsing agent helps to neu-
tralize the smell of the bath math.
Stain Removal Tips and Tricks