Data Sheet

Filter Quality Comparison
The apparatus on the counter in the image below is a simple
collimator used for testing the optical clarity of filters and other
optics. On one side is a light source shining into an "eyepiece" that
contains a test chart. The image of the test chart is projected
through one telescope into the other. The other telescope has a
video camera attached to its eyepiece so the test pattern can be
displayed on the LCD TV mounted above.
There are so many circular polarizing filters in the world, most are
made in India or China regardless of what name is on them. They all
look fine and clear if you look through them but once tested by the
collimator you can find that these filters degrade the image quality so
that the test pattern cannot even be seen. (See the image left below)
It would be impossible to get a sharp picture when photographing with
these filters. The test pattern shown right below is shot with Hoya
circular polarizing filter and it has almost no optical effect on it.
This is how a filter should perform in this test.
We’ve Been Framed!
Hoya believes the filter frame is an extremely important part of the
filter as well. Hoya created precision machined aluminum frames to
hold their high quality glass. They prefer aluminum to other materials
because it is strong enough to hold up to years of use. Some say that
brass is the best material to use. However, Hoya doesn’t hold that view
and here is why; brass is a far more rigid material than either aluminum,
or other materials that are being use in today’s lens barrels. This means
that, should the front of the lens get hit, the rigid brass filter ring will
transfer almost all the force of the shock to the lens barrels and
mechanics within the lens. An aluminum filter frame will absorb some
of the shock by bending, and at a certain point the glass will chip or
break, which is what the filter is supposed to do, protect the lens!
Replacing a filter is always preferable to getting a lens repaired.
Other brand circular polarizing filter
HOYA circular polarizing filter
HOYA-Catalog-2012-Inter1B.qx:HOYA New Catalog-V3-THK.qx 12/09/09 19:59 Page 44