Data Sheet

The Value in a Hoya Multi-coated filter
Wide aperture professional lenses are very expensive, and all
photographers want to get the most speed, optical performance,
and dollar performance from their investment.
Look at it this way, a customer pays $800.00 for a 80-200mm f/2.8
lens. Then, to protect this investment the customer buys a cheap
bare glass filter, which has a light reflection rate of 10%. This filter is
literally slowing the lens down by 10% because that reflected light is
not getting to the lens, or effectively turning an $800 f/2.8 lens into
the equivalent of a slower f/3.0 lens with a corresponding value of
$720. The value of the lens, along with the light, drops 10% when
you put the cheap filter on it. The cost savings of the less expensive
filter do not off set the loss of lens speed.
Also, this does not address the possible loss of sharpness or focus
shift, which can have a detrimental impact on picture quality. For
these reasons, Hoya multi-coated filters present the best value in
filters available today.
Testing, 1, 2, 3…
Take a bare glass filter, hold it so that light reflection off the surface
can be seen. Then take a long very thin object like a pin or the tip
of a pen and hold it over the filter so that its reflection can be seen.
There will actually be two reflections of the pin on the surface, one a
little more pronounced than the other. The more pronounced reflection
is from the front surface and the lighter one is from light reflecting off the
rear surface. Now try it with a HOYA Multi-coated filter and see how
much more dim the reflection is, a dimmer reflection means less light is
reflected off the surface of the glass.
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