- Hewlett-Packard Network Router User Manual

multiplexing/demultiplexing and encapsulation/deencapsulation. DLS
can return frames for numerous reasons (many of which are application-
specific): for example, because of unknown internal service-access
points (ISAPs), because of user-specified filtering requirements
contained within the configuration, or because of lack of enabled
entities (for example, IP, IPX, etc.).
dls_ring_cnt contains the current number of packets received by
circuit cct and transferred to the data-link service (DLS) receiver queue.
frames_rx_ok contains the number of frames received without error
by circuit cct.
frames_rx_per_sec contains the number of frames that this circuit
has received in the last second.
frames_tx_ok contains the number of packets transmitted without
error by circuit cct. This value equals the sum of highpri_tx, norm
pri_tx, and lowpri_tx.
frames_tx_per_sec contains the number of frames that this circuit
has transmitted in the last second.
frams_incomp_rx contains the number of incomplete frames
received by circuit cct. An incomplete frame is identified by failure to
set the end-of-long-frame bit in the receive message descriptor.
frmr_frames_rx contains the count of unnumbered FRMR (Frame
Reject) frames received by circuit cct. A FRMR frame reports an error
condition. The remote end of the point-to-point circuit transmits a
FRMR frame in response to a previous command requesting an
unavailable action or service. Because the service or command is
unavailable, a FRMR frame does not request retransmission of the
erroneous frame.
highpri_congestion contains the number of high priority packets
dropped due to congestion.
highpri_tx contains the number of high priority packets transmitted
without error.
Information Base
Management Information Base Variables
cct: Circuits Information Base