- Hewlett-Packard Printer User Guide

Chapter 7: Administration E-mail Template Macros
Altiris Helpdesk Solution User Guide 121
Complex Macros
Complex macros define a format that can include a mix of text, HTML and Helpdesk Solution data
fields that will be evaluated and replace the macro.
Mail Macros
Mail macros are a class of macros that do formatted replacement but create <A
HREF=mailto:specificworker-e-mail-address>format</A> e-mail links. They allow you to provide
your readers with an easy way to contact the workers associated with the current work item via e-
mail and pager e-mail. The <format> argument for mail macros can be any string of text or HTML
and can include $$<workitem_field>$$arguments.
HISTORY_LIST[[<format>]] <format> is a mix of text (including HTML tags), and arguments
of the form $$<workitem_field>$$. The <workitem_fields> are
identical to those used in the WORKITEM() macro. This macro
will produce one “row” of data formatted according to the
<format> for each history record for the current work item.
If the current work item has been updated 5 times, then 5 rows will
be output into the message. Each row has the
$$<workitem_field>$$arguments replaced with the data from that
particular work item update. Rows are produced in reverse
chronological order (latest update first) so the data in the first row
output using this macro will match the data in the WORKITEM()
For Example:
will produce a simple HTML table that shows who has modified
the work item and when, with the last update being the first row.
WORKITEM_LINK[[<format>]] <format> is a mix of text (including HTML tags), and arguments
in the form $$<workitem_field>$$. The <workitem_fields> are
identical to those used in the WORKITEM() macro. This macro
will produce an HTML <A> tag with the HREF parameter set to
the work item report command for the current work item. The text
of the <A> tag is the evaluated <format>.
For Example:
produces (for work item #1 – title is “First work item”): <A
HREF=” ep/standard/
commproc.asp?command=viewItem&workitem=1”>First work
item - 1</A>
The URL that is produced points to the standard work item report
in Helpdesk Solution. If a person who reads this mail and clicks on
the link is not a known Helpdesk Solution worker, then the normal
challenge occurs. This macro is intended for e-mail messages that
are sent to Helpdesk Solution workers in response to a work item
being updated.