HP Code Advisor Diagnostics

Table 1-1 Default diagnostics (continued)
Diagnostic message
a global-scope declaration may not have this storage class2149
old-fashioned assignment operator2155
expression must be an integral constant expression2157
unrecognized #pragma2161
too few arguments in function call2165
argument of type %t1 is incompatible with parameter of type %t22167
expression has no effect2174
subscript out of range2175
\"&\" applied to an array has no effect2178
argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion2181
pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero2186
use of \"=\" where \"==\" may have been intended2187
enumerated type mixed with another type2188
the format string requires additional arguments2224
the format string ends before this argument2225
invalid format string conversion2226
declaration is not visible outside of function2231
controlling expression is constant2236
%n has already been defined2247
expected a \",\"2253
invalid friend declaration2277
NULL reference is not allowed2284
a pointer to a bound function may only be used to call the function2300
%n has already been defined2302
type qualifier is not allowed on this function2313
the object has cv-qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function2315
linkage specification is not allowed2335
value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used2340
\"operator%s\" must be a member function2341
default argument is not allowed2347
%n defines no constructor to initialize the following:2368
%n has an uninitialized const field2370
delete of pointer to incomplete class2414
returning reference to local temporary2430
qualifiers dropped in binding reference of type %t1 to initializer of type %t22433
12 Diagnostics Categorization