HP Code Advisor Diagnostics

Table 1-1 Default diagnostics (continued)
Diagnostic message
returning reference to local variable2836
return type is not identical to return type %t of overridden virtual function %n2855
declaration of \"size_t\" does not match the expected type %t2867
type qualifier ignored2902
type qualifiers on function types are ignored2925
declared size for bit field is larger than the size of the bit field type; ; truncated to %s bits2959
extra braces are nonstandard2991
%np2 is hidden by %no1 -- virtual function override intended?2997
a storage class may not be specified here3000
floating-point value cannot be represented exactly3046
imaginary *= imaginary sets the left-hand operand to zero3050
invalid attribute for %t3091
invalid attribute for %n3092
invalid attribute for parameter3093
attribute %sq ignored3097
the \"packed\" attribute is ignored in a typedef3100
the \"transparent_union\" attribute is ignored on incomplete types3108
%t cannot be transparent because %n does not have the same size as the union3109
%t cannot be transparent because it has a field of type %t which is not the same size as the union3110
an asm name is ignored in a typedef3117
modifier letter '%s' ignored in asm operand3119
register \"%s\" clobbered more than once3129
\"format\" attribute applied to %n which does not have variable arguments3135
first substitution argument is not the first variable argument3136
format argument index is greater than number of parameters3137
format argument does not have string type3138
attribute does not apply to non-function type %t3142
arithmetic on pointer to void or function type3143
nonstandard cast on lvalue ignored3156
the auto specifier is ignored here (invalid in standard C/C++)3159
a reduction in alignment without the \"packed\" attribute is ignored3160
an asm name is ignored on a non-register automatic variable3168
inline function also declared as an alias; definition ignored3169
argument of upc_blocksizeof is a pointer to a shared type (not shared type itself)3185
branching into or out of a upc_forall loop is not allowed3187
14 Diagnostics Categorization