HP Code Advisor Diagnostics

on endianness, and a character member, which does not depend on endianness, and the value
of the union is stored using one member and accessed using the other.
union Endian { char c[4]; int v; }; // warning 4289 here
int foo() {
union Endian u = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 };
int i = u.v;
return i;
// On a big endian machine value of i will be 0x11223344 whereas
// on a little endian machine it will be 0x44332211
For portable code change the way this union is used. Do not use unions for converting values
from one type to another.
4290 endian porting: the initialization of char array may be endian
A char array is being initialized using hexadecimal values. It is likely that this array will later be
accessed as an integer. Based on endianness of a machine on which code is executed the value
of this integer will differ.
Example:char a[4] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 }; // warning 4290 here
For portable code check how this array is used.
4292 endian porting: the dereference of cast pointer may be endian
A pointer of integral type is being cast to a pointer of char or smaller integer type. Based on
endianness of a machine on which code is executed the value accessed using will differ.
unsigned int value = 0x03020100;
unsigned int *ptr =
unsigned char charVal;
void foo() {
charVal = *(unsigned char *)ptr; // warning 4292 here
charVal = *(unsigned char *)(void*)ptr; // no warning
For portable code change the way these values are accessed. If the order in which the values are
accessed is not important then first cast the pointer to void* type and then cast to the lesser integer
4295 abstract function type declared with empty parentheses, consider
replacing with parameter list or void.
4290 endian porting: the initialization of char array may be endian dependent 67