Storage Resource Manager Enterprise Edition Installation Guide

C30 Storage Resource Manager Enterprise Edition
SRM Troubleshooting Guide
Called from get_InputReady method. The named pipe is created and available for
MessageId=4 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_FROMPIPE_SET
SRM UNIX output pipe <pipename> is available.
Called from get_OutputReady method. The named pipe is created and available
for use.
MessageId=5 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_TOPIPE_NRDY
SRM UNIX input pipe <pipename> is unavailable.
Called from get_InputReady method. The pipe has not been created and is not
ready. The WaitNamedPipe(pipe,1000) call failed.
MessageId=6 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_FROMPIPE_NRDY
SRM UNIX output pipe <pipename> is unavailable.
Called from get_OutputReady method. The pipe has not been created and is not
ready. The WaitNamedPipe(pipe,2000) call failed.
MessageId=7 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_INPUT_AVAIL
SRM input-reports are available for the UNIX <scan type> scan on <computer
Put_InputAvailable: Input is available.
MessageId=8 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_INPUT_UNAVAIL
SRM input-reports are not available for the UNIX <scan type> scan on <computer
Put_InputAvailable: Input not available.
MessageId=9 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_INPUT_NOT_REQ
SRM input-reports are not required for the UNIX <computer|file|onedown> scan
on <proxy name or ip address>.
From get_InputReady method informational.
MessageId=13 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_INPUT_PATH
Input pipe <pipe name> has been requested for <computer|file|onedown> scan on
<proxy name or IP address>.
The get_InputPathname method was called with the given arguments.
MessageId=14 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_OUTPUT_PATH