Storage Resource Manager Enterprise Edition Installation Guide

Storage Resource Manager Enterprise Edition C31
SRM Troubleshooting Guide
Output pipe <pipe name> has been requested for <computer|file|onedown> scan
on <proxy name or IP address>.
The get_OutputPathname method was called and was given this pipe name.
MessageId=15 SymbolicName=OEMSCAN_SUPPORTED
<computer|file|onedown> scan on <proxy name or IP address> support input pipe
<input pipe name> and output pipe <output pipe name>.
The get_Supported method was called and was given this pipe name.
OEMScanio Messages
The following are OEMScan input/output messages:
Messages Always Logged (Do not Require Registry Key Settings)
Scan to pipe - could not create pipe <path> - error <LastError>.
CreateNamedPipe call failed.
Scan to pipe - no connection to pipe <name1>, buffering scan in file <name2>.
There was a time out waiting for a connection to the pipe. The OEMScanio CGI
process will now put the data in a file and spawn a new process to continue
waiting thus avoiding IIS Web timeouts. This is an informational message and
no action is required.
Scan to pipe - connectNamedPipe <path> returned error <LastError>.
ConnectNamedPipe returned something other than Connected or Listening. This
is probably due to some resource limitation on the server.
Scan to pipe - could not change pipe <path>'s mode to block - error <LastError>.
Could not change the state of the pipe (SetNamedPipeHandleState() failed).
Scan to pipe - could not write to pipe <path> - error <LastError>.
Write to the pipe failed. Could indicate a lack of temp file space. Check
<LastError>value. The TEMP environment variable specifies where temp file
space is obtained.