Tips for Locating NonStop Manuals on the HPSC

Note that the Product (optional) field is blank. If necessary, restart your browser to clear any
product context, then navigate back to
3. Enter the search keyword or keywords in the lower field. To limit the search to NonStop product
documents, include the keyword NonStop:
4. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to display the search results.
NOTE: You might find that the (upper) Product (optional) field becomes filled in with the
name of a collection you were previously searching. If this happens, you must restart your
This keyword search method will work anywhere in the HPSC.
Further limiting search results to manuals only
If search results include content other than manuals, for example, Knowledge Centered Support
content, you can chose to limit your search results to manuals. After you have initiated your search,
you can click Advanced search at the top of the search results pane. Then you can deselect all
content types except for Manuals, guides, and reference documents to limit your search to manuals
only. You can also choose to display up to 100 results per page. Click the search button again to
re-run the search with the new parameters.
Choose unique search strings for better results
You will get much better search results if you can remember anything unique in a manual and put
it into quotes as a search string. You can also combine a single keyword with a quoted search
Example 1 Finding the best manual for TACL
What happens when you search for TACL manual in a NonStop collection on the HPSC? Think
about how many NonStop manuals have the word TACL in them? How many have the word manual
in them? We are actually lucky that the TACL Reference Manual will show up on the third page
of search results!
If you can remember two words together, especially words in the title or unusual words, results
will usually be better:
Searching for TACL Reference will return TACL Reference Manual as the first search
Searching for Lexical Elements will return TACL Reference Manual as the second
search result.
Searching HPSC for NonStop documentation 9