Tips for Locating NonStop Manuals on the HPSC

Using Ctrl-F to locate a title
To find a document on the current page by searching for a word in the title:
1. Press Ctrl-F to open the Find dialog box in your browser.
2. Type a word that you know is present in the title of the document (should automatically appear
in the find field of your browser).
3. Click Enter to locate the first title that has that word.
4. Scroll or click Enter again to find the next title.
NOTE: This method only finds items on the current page.
Getting to the next page of manuals
When you scroll to the bottom of a page of manuals and find that you need to advance to the next
page, use the Home key on your keyboard to quickly get back to the top of the page where the
navigation links are located.
Downloading manuals
Depending on your browser and PDF reader application, there are different ways to save a manual
(as a “file or a page”) to your computer. For example:
1. Open the manual.
2. Do one of the following:
Use your browser to save the file
Internet Explorer: File > Save As
Firefox: Save Page As
Chrome: Save page as
Use the PDF reader application to save the file (consult the help for your reader application)
TIP: If can’t download the file using one of these techniques, e-mail it to yourself using Internet
Explorer: File > Send > Page by E-mailor Page > Send page by e-mail.