User's Manual

Advanced options
Page copies: You can select how many copies are printed of that page.
Destination: You can select the destination of the printed output if the printer offers a choice. For
example, you may be able to choose between a basket and a stacker. If no choice is available, this
option is not shown.
A Manual mode checkbox may be provided if the printer has a stacker that offers this option. If you
check the box, before the page is printed you will be reminded to put the printer into manual mode (it
cannot be done automatically).
Folding style: If the printer has a folder installed, you can assign a folding style, display the folding style
in the preview, or create a new folding style (if the folder allows you to do that). For more information
on folding styles, see the printer or folder user’s guide. This option is not shown if no folder is available.
How can I use the stacker options?
In the print settings (advanced options). In some cases, you may see no stacker options, because your stacker offers no
ENWW Print settings 29