Administration Manual

Reference Database tab
The reference database is a temporary repository that contains pointers to messages in mail boxes while
the messages are being pro cessed and sent to the IAP. Use this tab to enter the name and location of
the reference database.
Reference document
Select Regular unless HP support asks you to select Extended for
troubleshooting purposes.
An Extended reference document appends the following fields to a
HP_SessionInfo: Identifies which server remotely mined the
message. Adds values for the session server name, API database
Replica ID, and mining document UNID.
HP_ReferenceInfo: I dentifies which reference database contains the
pointer to the message. Adds values for the reference server name,
reference database Replica I D, and Reference document UNID.
These fields are especially helpful in troubleshooting a remote mining
configuration when you suspect two servers are tr ying to mine the same
database. Only one server should ever mine a given database.
Reference D atabase name
Enter hprim/hp_riss_minerreferenc.nsf unless:
name to hprim/hp_riss_journalreferenc.nsf.
Theminingruleisbeingusedforbulkupload. Changethepath
and name to hprim/hp_riss_blkupdreferenc.nsf
Another reference database has been created. Change the path
and name to hprim/hp_<anotherdb>_referenc.nsf.
Reference Database Server name
(leave blank for local)
Enter the server name if the reference database is not on the local
Enter any comments about the reference database.
Configuring selective archiving