Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Users Guide for Windows (6.6) (HIT5201-96005, April 2011)

3. Creating an HDLM Environment
command syntax.
Table 3-13: firewall_setup command syntax
In Windows, the folder in which the Hitachi Command Suite Common Agent
Component commands are installed is automatically added to the environment
Path. When you execute a command, you do not need to change the
current folder to the folder that contains commands.
Item Details
firewall_setup {-set|-unset}
Description Registers the following ports used by the Hitachi Command Suite Common Agent
Component in a Windows environment as firewall exceptions:
Port set for the
server.agent.port property (default: 24041/tcp)
Port set for the
server.http.port property (default: 24042/tcp)
Port set for the
server.http.localPort property (default: 24043/tcp)
This operation requires Administrator privileges. If the OS is Windows Server 2008
or Windows Server 2008 R2, the command must be executed from a command prompt
started as an Administrator.
Adds firewall exceptions.
Removes firewall exceptions.